I wish I was a hacker on days like today.

I’d like to replace the articles in the local newspapers in the towns, counties and city’s of those states that voted for him with my own writing.

I’d like to use his words in describing women, and replace them with their own daughters’ names. I’d like to use his words in describing nationalities he doesn’t like, and replace them with their own ancestors nationality. Make it personal – because nothing else has worked.

I feel helpless.
I feel suspicious of every person I see on the street, as people are not who I thought they were.

But I must remember not to make enemies in my head, because most people are good, and most people on this side are on the same side.
But it still makes me feel sick.
For the girls down there. 

I can vow to not visit for the next 4 years. I can delete facebook and twitter and live peacefully with my head in the sand until Christmas or longer. I can put on a big pot of coffee, settle in at work, and watch videos of Obama being the best. And I can write letters to my American friends that say hello, I love you, come visit. 


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