Happy apocalypse
I went to work to pick up my monitors to start preparing for working from home.

A year ago I left the Pi office so pregnant and healthy and happy. Everyone took me out for lunch and gave me a basket of goodies for baby. I’m so lucky.
Fast forward a year and the office lights are all off, in the middle of the day on a Wednesday. Every surface holds sanitizer, wipes, gloves, signs of the last 12 months.
Someone stole my chair and my keyboard. I find my keyboard in some other office but no sign of my awesomely comfy chair. Fuckers.
I grab my things and my hands are unrecognizable, bony, the skin folding weird. What an intense year. What a reminder that we’re not invincible, even in a first world country. What a reminder that we’re not all guaranteed to live until our 90s. What an honour to just be here in the first place.
I have baby though, and he’s healthy. Yin and yang, good and bad, suffering and...... what’s the opposite?
Maybe that’s what this year was all about. Surrendering.