
Canadians are free to do whatever they want. 
Except knowingly spread disease. 
That's it.
That's the only thing the government is asking its citizens not to do. 

And that's what is being fought. Someone wants the right to knowingly endanger vulnerable citizens. I don't think we should have that right.

Imagine what this pandemic would have looked like, had their been no restrictions, no government interference in the slightest. "Pre-pandemic me" had more faith in my fellow citizens than "current-pandemic me" has. It would have been an intensely bigger bloodbath than it already was because as it turns out, many people are innately selfish and have no regard for the community as a whole.

It disgusts me that 20 percent of the population is onboard with the bloodbath. One persons right to not have fabric over his nose and mouth is not more important than my grandma's right to be alive.

I just don't get it. I've tried to look at it a thousand different ways and I can't wrap my head around it.
I'm not wired to understand it. 

That's the way core beliefs work, as taught in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 
My beliefs will never align with someone elses' completely. 
But they will align with my groups, who appear to be the majority of the population. 
But this 20 percent will always be separate and I'm not wired to understand them.

One of my core beliefs is that the government has a responsibility to protect the most vulnerable of its population. I believe that this responsibility is more important than one persons individual freedom to not have to abide by any laws. It's not even a real freedom, it's just this vague feeling of not wanting to being told what to do, even in the slightest. 

So millions of people have died, hundreds of thousands are struggling to breathe in hospital, hundreds of thousands more are working around the clock to save them, and then this tiny fraction of the population feels like showing a card and getting free medicine is against their rights as human beings. So they don't. The only right they're being denied is the right to eat at restaurants (temporarily) and cross an international border (temporarily), go to the movies (temporarily) or workout at a gym (temporarily). That is, until the likelihood of them to spread a deadly disease dies down. If their job requires them to cross borders, then they're a threat to the well-being of both countries and should require vaccination. 

I personally think that's more than fair. 
I stand by that. 

It's not like we're the only country in the world going through this. 
There's no escaping it, it's the entire planet. 
A disease is ravaging our entire planet and some of the animals on this planet have figured out how to avoid spreading it, and some others refuse. It's simple and yet it's so fucking confusing.


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