Medicine vs Cats Claw

I’ve always wondered what it is about Lyme  disease that is so controversial. I’m still unsure why, but I’m getting closer. 

My family doctor acknowledges something is wrong but can’t figure it out with her limited tests. She had referred me to specialists, but so far, the internist I saw told me I was fine. He told me to ignore the symptoms. He told me I was healthy and fine.

But do you see the way there's nothing in between the  bones here? This is new. Two weeks ago there was fat or tissue or muscle or something there, but now it's gone. That's how quickly this thing is happening. 

It feels as if a bacteria or something is eating away at my fat, muscles, tissues and blood vessels in my hands wrists and forearms. My skin is losing its elasticity, folding funny in all my creases, my elbow, my wrists, my neck etc. 

There is a strange controversy in the medical community and I'm not sure why. I hope to figure it out but for some reason tick borne illnesses have been driven to the naturopath route for treatment.

Maybe herbal medicine is the only compliment to antibiotics for this sort of treatment and since medical doctors and specialist don’t prescribe herbal, they cannot believe it or simply don’t bother treating it?

There’s something very disturbing about being dismissed and shunned by a system that you thought had your health and best interest in mind since you were born. 


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