Alberta Love
Canmore, Calgary, High River and everywhere in between was flooded out on June 20-21st by
the Elbow and Bow rivers.
Thursday 9:00 AM – The city goes to work, happy
it’s almost the weekend. It’s raining.
Thursday 11:00 AM – The rain is heavy and
the city declares a state of emergency.
Thursday 11:30AM – Calgarians are skeptical.
Thursday 3:00PM –The neighbourhood of
Deer Run is being told to evacuate. How strange.
Thursday 5:00PM – We all go home and turn on
the news and realize just how much the rivers may flood from the rain. Many
more neighbourhoods are being told to evacuate. Evacuate to where?
Thursday 7:00PM – “Maybe we won’t have to go
to work tomorrow.” The selfish hope of
many who don’t realize the extent of the situation (including me).
Thursday 9:00PM - Will we have to evacuate? What about Mickey? I guess all we can do is go
to bed, wait and see. If we get woken up by a policeman at our door, then we'll
have to go.
Between 3pm and 9pm 100,000 people evacuate
from their homes. With only 1500 in community centre shelters, Mayor Nenshi
asks 'Where did everyone else go?' Why, with friends ofcourse! Calgarians are
helping eachother out. Unfortunately, the reality for some, is seen below.
Reality sets in.
We don't have to evacuate, but our neighbourhood is an island so we aren't going anywhere.
We don't have to evacuate, but our neighbourhood is an island so we aren't going anywhere.
Friday AM:
Evacuated areas - all of downtown - is covered in water. Anyone who refused to evacuate is now stuck. Nobody is going to work, for awhile.
Entire familiar neighbourhoods under water,
photos of restaurants we know are being shared online.
Embarrassment: A lot of early skeptical Facebook statuses get taken down by embarrassed friends. A lot
of people who did not leave are calling friends and trudging into the water,
abandoning their underwater vehicles and getting out.
Disbelief: Stay
was the main piece of advice, but of course, everyone
was out, taking photos, talking to one another. People just couldn't believe
Denial: I heard one story of a bar that had
a huge lineup for the Sled Island music festival and they were determined to
open. While on hold with the city to get the power back on, the bar owner calls
his staff to make sure they’re coming in. Certain neighbourhoods that had
become islands overnight, where staff lived, could not leave unless by
helicopter, yet they still could not convey this to bar owner who was in utter
denial. He was forced to, like the rest of us, just deal with it. A few hours
later, Sled Island was officially cancelled.
Misinformation: Somewhere in social media
land, it was shared that Calgary water was tainted and a boil water advisory is
in effect. This misinformation was spread through social media faster than
light. The media, the mayor, and the city spent the next 7 days dismissing this
claim. Not before everyone who was supposed to stay home raced to every grocery
store and bought out all the water.
The Stampede grounds were covered.
"Stampede is in less than 2 weeks, will it go on?"
"Stampede is in less than 2 weeks, will it go on?"
"The Saddledome is flooded up 6, no 8, no 10
Pride: What followed was a little bit of
pride for our city. Everyone seemed to step up. Emergency workers, city workers, emergency planners, and of course our mayor
Naheed Nenshi worked tirelessly for the first week and continue to even now.
Then, we all just waited for the river to go down. Emergency workers,
city workers, healthcare workers, and the media were the only ones I knew that still went to work. The rest were forced to wait for the water to go down and stay off the
Twitter was on fire with people trying to get Nenshi to take a nap.
#napfornenshi was a big hit and he finally took a nap on Saturday.
Coming together: Everywhere we looked people were coming
together. Sled Island turned into Flood
Island and took place in non-flooded communities at peoples houses. Donations were pouring in and had to be stopped in some places. Ramsay was
dubbed Ramsay Island and neighbours were heading to the community centre for
free barbecues. Suddenly there were free barbecues all over town.
Nenshi announced Stampede would go on and
Come Hell or High Water, a slogan created by a Calgarian on Twitter, became the
new Stampede campaign for 2013.
The wait was over: The water went down and
people in the flood zone returned home, overwhelmed. Those without power and no
damage to their home continued staying with friends, although they could now go
home and get some essentials they may have left behind.
Work: Everyone began the
inevitable cleanup with 4 days of pent up energy and frustration to put into
it. Overwhelming and terribly upsetting for the victims, but seemingly fun to
get down and dirty for the volunteers as they instagram and hashtag all their
muddy rain boot photos.
Getting back to normal: Ramsay Island was
no longer as of yesterday. The bridges opened and we were part of the city again.
With that, comes many people still driving downtown to work, despite dozens of
damaged bridges. The streets are a mess.
Heroes emerge:
Enmax restores power to many communities working day and night. Some people wondered why isn't our power still on since all the waters gone?
Enmax restores power to many communities working day and night. Some people wondered why isn't our power still on since all the waters gone?
We were told the Enmax station was under water too.
Ranting begins: Everyone started to complain.
If you don't have to
drive, then don't.
If you can snoop and take
photos of our demolished basements, why don’t you get off your bike and help?
Alberta deserves this after all
they’ve contributed to climate change with the oil sands.
Hey Toronto, do you even know
that there is a giant flood in one of the biggest cities in Canada? Stop talking about Rob Ford for once.
A Bump: A CP rail bridge is carrying a train
car full of diesel East, when the rail bridge collapses.The city blames CP Rail, CP Rail stands by their inspection of all
bridges, and the train is rescued and bridge closed off.

It is now day 7. This does not represent what High
River went through and I am deeply saddened and worried about the state of their
residents and homes. Their clean-up is just beginning.
But what a week that was.
But what a week that was.