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Yellow dye

 A randomized double-blind placebo study in 1994 revealed everything I was searching for in 2023.  Had the institutions made evidence-informed decisions like they claimed, and prioritized children's health instead of corporate profits, maybe the 1994 Rowe study would have made the changes to the food dye regulations. Instead, anxiety and depression is on an 80 year upswing: And behavioural problems have become a global epidemic. Rowe (1994)  Synthetic food coloring and behavior: A· dose response effect in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, repeated-measures study The younger children (2-6 yrs) had constant crying, tantrums, irritability, restlessness, and severe sleep disturbance, and were described as "disruptive," "easily distracted and excited," "high as a kite," and "out of control." Their parents were exhausted through lack of sleep and the constant demands of their children, who were unable to be comforted or controlled. The older chil

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Synthetic food dye and adverse neurobehavioural outcomes


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